Disclaimers and Terms of Use

Last Updated: March 29, 2019


General Disclaimers

The information contained on the website for Michelle Dick (the “Website”) is provided solely for the reader’s general knowledge is intended to provide general information and not advice of any kind. The information is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all matters and developments concerning Michelle Dick (“Michelle”) or the topics covered. All information is offered on a “best intentions” basis and is made available to the public for reference purposes only.

While Michelle makes reasonable efforts to ensure that content is accurate and up to date, she cannot and does not guarantee that content is error-free, complete, accurate, reliable or current and assume no responsibility for any such errors or omissions. The content on the Website may also contain technical or other inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors, for which Michelle assumes no responsibility.

End Users – Limitation of Use

Unless otherwise expressly indicated, as between Michelle and End Users (i.e. users of the Website), Michelle is and shall be the owner of the Website and all information, content and materials on the Website (collectively, the “Content”, in whole and in part).

End Users may not modify, reproduce or distribute, in any form (electronic or otherwise), any of the Content without the express written permission of Michelle, except for personal, non-commercial use. Further, any and all reproduced and/or distributed Content must identify the Website as the source of the Content so reproduced and/or distributed and a copy of these Disclaimers and Terms of Use must be attached to said reproductions.

No representations, warranties or guarantees

Michelle makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied, in regard to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use of any claims, statements or information of other Content contained on the Website or of any information available on Third-Party Websites (as defined below).

No regulatory authority in Canada, the United States of America or any other country or jurisdiction has in any way passed any of the Content and no representation or warranty is made by Michelle to that effect.

Limitation of Liability

No obligation, responsibility or liability shall be incurred by Michelle or any of her employees or agents, for any loss (including but not limited to loss of data and loss of computer functions) or damage whatsoever, whether incidental, special, direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or for lost profits in connection with, caused by or arising from any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in or infringement by, or from any use of the Website or reliance on information and/or other Content available on the Website, links to Third-Party Websites or any information or other content available on such Third-Party Websites, regardless of whether Michelle was aware of the possibility of damage.

The Website and the information contained on the Website are not substitutes for independent professional advice.

Links and Third Party Websites

Michelle may provide links from the Website to one or more websites which are arms-length to Michelle and websites other than the Website may also make reference to Michelle and/or the Website (collectively, “Third-Party Websites”). End Users should be aware that in linking to or otherwise entering and viewing Third-Party Websites, he/she/it is leaving the Website and that Michelle is not responsible in any way for the information and/or content of any sites that can be reached through links on the Website, or otherwise through the Internet, regardless of any connection or reference to Michelle or the Website.


Michelle may amend these Disclaimers and Terms of Use from time to time, in her sole discretion

Copyright 2024 Michelle Dick